Exterior of Transmitter Building at the Naval Radio Station 1943 Following Fire, from US Coast Guard Omega Station Records
Visual Tour

Click on the green buttons for a closer look at the historic buildings associated with the Ha'ikū Stairs

Historical Stairs Photos
Many thanks to Dave Jessup, Ted Urquhart, and John Flanigan for the images included here
If you have a correction or addition to an image caption, please email info@haikustairs,org

The Ha'ikū Stairs were originally made of wood and were referred to as the Haiku Ladder

The view of Kāne'ohe from the top of the Stairs circa 1949

Sailors on Ha'ikū Stairs circa 1949

This cable car took workers from the floor of Haʻikū Valley to the peak some 2,800 feet above. During the radio station’s operation, most workers preferred to ride the car to the upper hoist house than climb what was originally called the Haiku Ladder

Wooden handrails along the Ridgeline with Windward Community College in the background
Sailors operating on the Ha'ikū Stairs circa 1949